
Archive for September, 2010

Porta Ovile

September 3, 2010 Leave a comment

Trials, layout, and sketches

Rendered Analitique

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popUP Piazza

September 3, 2010 Leave a comment

The model is a representation of the San Quiricio Piazza containing San Quiricio church and the Museo delle Contrade.

Laid out and rendered

Model views

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Lorenzetti Redux

September 3, 2010 Leave a comment

Each collage contains 6 storyboards of events taken from the personifications of governments. The storyboards are placed in the order in which in my opinion governments either succeed or fail.


The good government’s goal is to attain fortitude and magnanimity in the long run, so those storyboards are last. The primordial goals that the government cares about are to give peace and justice to its people. With prosperity the government must be prudent, and the bodies protecting its people should show temperance in their doing.

Peace: Regardless of race, heritage, or color, we should act as one in order to have a strong unifying bond to our families and our communities.

Justice: Our political figures show our pride. It becomes part of our tradition and it is something we like to celebrate and embellish. Those figures are what give us our entity and prosperity.

Prudence: The government embellishes not only regard for one’s well being but also the management of how its people collaborate in our well being as a nation.

Temperance: Our wealth and resources, whether it be the goods that we produce or consume, or our fields and fruit must be treated with care and responsibility for our future’s well being.

Fortitude: Our nation’s strength should be based on our unified society and prosperous economy. Our defense and military body should liberate our people rather than oppress them.

Magnanimity: The greatness of our nation is shown in our traditions, our education, and overall quality of life.


The bad government is laid out with first the division and segregation of the people. Segregation and alienation lead to cruel treatment of groups of people and where there is cruelty and segregation there is crime and fraud which will most likely find its way up to critical positions within the high ranks of the government resulting in treason. These events build up fury and pessimism within the people resulting in what we fear most; war.

Division: Division of the people start with division of views and ideals, it evolves into the segregation and classification of people within communities which in the long run separates us from our home.

Cruelty: With division comes preference of groups, and the least liked groups will suffer the most. Within these groups human rights will not abide.

Fraud: The imbalance of the allocation of goods towards the people encourage illicit ways of income. Whether it is petty crime or contraband, it is an issue that will damage the greater whole at the expense of the lucrative gain of one.

Treason: This follows the snowball effect of fraud at a grandeur stage. It is when we lose our privacy and the bodies of defense and order are no longer in our favor and no longer know who to trust.

Fury: With fraud and treason as our everyday bread, desperation and aggression becomes the common norm in the people’s mentality. What we once saw beautiful and elegant we know see vulgar and ridiculous.

War: This is the bottom of the abyss of a nation that has been suffering. The storyboard shows continuous events and no end…

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